Complete Lawn Care receives these frequently asked questions (FAQs) from homeowners in Maryland and the Washington DC metro area. Should you have a question that’s not listed here, contact us today.
Are pesticides okay to use in Montgomery County, MD?
This is a very complicated topic, and the answer is both yes, and no. We recommend that you visit the Montgomery County, MD MCDEP website: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/lawns/
Montgomery County Law 33b, (formerly Bill 52-14 the Pesticide Ban). For many years, Complete Lawn Care, Inc. has been a leader against poorly designed laws affecting your property rights and the ability provide safe and high-quality lawn care in Montgomery County, MD. While we will always comply with all State and local laws, we will continue to press for changes and for common sense laws that both protect the environment and allow for the safe use of legal products. We love nature, our families, and our customers.
You just treated my weeds, why aren’t they all gone?
It can take up to 2 weeks for treated weeds to die, but the weeds may have germinated after we serviced your lawn. Weed seeds are always in the soil; they can remain viable for many years and can germinate during both warm and cool weather. To deal with persistent weeds, service calls between regularly scheduled visits may be required throughout the year.
Why do I have mushrooms?
Mushrooms are some of nature’s finest composters and soil builders. They can flourish in damp, shady areas as well as full sun. Most often, you’ll see mushrooms pop up after extended periods of damp weather and moderate temperatures. Their function is to breakdown decaying organic material such as old tree stumps, tree roots and any other organic matter. They do not damage grasses and they are not pathogens. Mushrooms typically appear and disappear as weather conditions change throughout the year.
How often should I water?
If your lawn was seeded it is best to water daily for 14 to 21 days for 15 minutes per section as long as temperatures are above 50 degrees. The best time to water is in the early morning hours from 4AM to 10AM; never water at night, as this can promote the spread of fungus disease. Watering from 10AM to 5PM during sunny days is inefficient and most of your water evaporates before it soaks into the ground.
Regular watering during the growing season, really depend upon your expectations. To remain actively growing your turf requires between ½ and 1 inch of water per week from rainfall and/or watering. Water deeply, 45 minutes to 1 or per section but infrequently, only once or twice a week. Deep and infrequent watering encourages deeper rooting and better lawn health. Stop watering if water starts to runoff as the ground has absorbed all it can at that time.
Complete Lawn Care provides watering instructions after every service.
How long should I wait to cut my grass after any treatment?
For best results, it’s best to mow the next day after treatment unless special instructions to do otherwise have been arranged. Generally, the best height to mow your lawn is about 3 to 3½ inches, never removing more than 1/3rd of the grass blade at any single cutting. Bear in mind that cutting your lawn too short, or “scalping,” will result in damage to your lawn and encroachment of weeds.
It rained the day of/after a lawn treatment, and will this affect what was done?
No. In fact, rainfall one hour or more after a service visit, and often improves results.
How long after a treatment before I can allow my kids and pets on the lawn?
After a liquid application has been provided, Complete Lawn Care asks that you keep your children and pets off the yard until it’s dry, which is typically a few hours. Afterwards, children, pets and adults can enjoy the yard.
You seeded my lawn 5 days ago, yet I don’t see any germination.
Under ideal conditions (with the proper moisture, temperature, etc.), grass seed can take between 14-21 days before germination begins.
What is the purpose of a soil test?
Maryland Nutrient Management Law requires that soil tests be done every 3 years, to help protect the environment. Complete Lawn Care does soil testing for better understanding of individual lawn care needs. A soil test will determine soil nutrient levels and pH. The results of your soil test will be used to determine the exact course of action for your property, while protecting our environment. Additionally, with the soil test results, we can make the necessary adjustments to your fertilization program to meet your lawn’s needs.
When is the best time to seed and aerate?
Complete Lawn Care offers seeding and aeration in the both the spring and the fall depending upon individual needs. In general, the fall is the best time of year to seed, (between August 15th and October 31st). If your lawn is shady and has large trees, the spring can often be better than fall for seeding (between February 15th and April 30th).
Why won’t my grass grow in the shade?
Grass will grow in the shade! (But it rarely survives). Lawn grasses require more than 4 hours of bright sunlight a day to survive. There are no grasses that survive in heavy shade throughout the summer in our area, the Transition Zone. No matter what it says on a bag of grass seed or an advertisement that you may have seen. Tree roots also compete with grasses for nutrients and water throughout the summer causing further problems for grass survival.
We recommend that you try shade loving ground covers if your lawn is too shady to grow grass year-round. Ask us for recommendations, we’re happy to help!