Pesticide Ban Has Lawn Care Contractors on Edge BY MAILE BUCHER ON OCT 14, 2015 Eric Wenger, president of Complete Lawn Care, Inc. in Laytonsville, MD, is one contractor who will be directly affected by the recent pesticide ban that was voted into effect in...
Landscaping and Gardening

Are Organic Fertilizers Always Better?
What is organic fertilizer? According to Wikipedia, an organic fertilizer is “derived from animal matter, human excreta, or vegetable matter, (e.g. compost, manure).” Organic fertilizers need to come from natural sources that supply plants with the macronutrients...

Safely Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden
Pollination is a fundamental part of a healthy ecosystem. Some plants are self-pollinated, some are wind-pollinated, and a large majority requires help from pollinators in order to fully blossom. Unfortunately, evidence hints at diminished populations of pollinators,...

Dandelions in your lawn
It is likely that you picked the yellow “flowers” growing in your backyard as a child. If you did not pick the yellow flowers, you may have picked the puffball seed-head that the yellow flowers turn into. After blowing the seeds off the flower, you hoped your wish...

Common Lawn Weeds
Weeds are a hassle, and most homeowners have them in their lawns. Here is a helpful guide to different lawn weeds and what can be done to manage them. Complete Lawn Care has trained professionals to assist you with your lawn. Contact us today if you need assistance. -...

Spring Garden Planning and Planting in the DC Metro Area
If you enjoy growing vegetables and herbs, now’s the time to begin planning and planting your food gardens. Whether in plots, containers or raised gardens, growing your own is rewarding in many different ways. While the list of vegetables is too long to include, keep...